The Queen's Birthday Parade also known as Trooping the Colour, Horse Guards Parade, London, June 2013. More than a thousand soldiers and horses from the Household Division paraded in front of their Colonel in Chief, Her Majesty The Queen, 15th June 2013, with the immaculate precision, colour and pageantry that marks them as truly World Class. Later as the last shot of a 41 gun Royal Salute was fired from The Green Park to mark The Queen's Official Birthday, the skies roared with an impressive fly past from the RAF featuring 32 aircraft of 13 different types. The centuries old tradition of Trooping The Colour has been held on Horse Guards Parade to honour the Sovereign's Birthday almost annually since 1805. Each year the Five Foot Guards Regiments take it in turns to Troop their Colour in front of the Sovereign. Colour is the name given to regimental flags of the British Army, and were used as rallying points as long ago as the Kings of Babylon. In the Middle Ages, each Lord or Baron flew his banner as a sign by which his followers could distinguish him in battle. Colours were last carried into action by the 58th Foot in South Africa in 1881. Up to that time they participated in all the varying fortunes of their Regiment; were often torn by enemy fire and acquired an almost religious significance. Even today, uncased Colours are invariably carried by an officer and accompanied by an armed escort. This year, the Colour being trooped in the presence of Her Majesty The Queen, was that of the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards. The Welsh Guards have recently returned from operational service in Afghanistan where they worked as part of the Afghan Police Advisory Team assisting the country to achieve self governance. The Field Officer in Brigade Waiting, Lieutenant Colonel Dino Bossi, Welsh Guards, commanded the Parade.

Ministerul Afacerilor Externe (MAE) al României recomandă cetățenilor români care se află în Afganistan să părăsească de urgență țara, din cauza deteriorării situației de securitate. Aceasta include un risc major de atentate teroriste și confruntări armate. MAE subliniază că România nu mai are o misiune diplomatică activă în Afganistan din 2019 și că cetățenii români pot solicita asistență consulară prin Delegația UE în Afganistan sau prin Ambasada României la Islamabad.

În plus, MAE îndeamnă cetățenii români să se înregistreze pentru a fi contactați în caz de urgență și să consulte recomandările autorităților pentru a-și asigura siguranța. De asemenea, este recomandat să se încheie asigurări de călătorie și să respecte tradițiile și obiceiurile locale.

Cetățenii români care nu respectă recomandările vor suporta consecințele călătoriilor în zonele de risc, având în vedere dificultățile de intervenție în aceste regiuni.

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